Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Ok, I have no idea what I'm doing here, but since this appears to be the preferred method of communication among those that know me best, here goes. I'm going to try to think up some stuff that is of little or no use to anyone but myself and put it out there for the world to disseminate. If you are reading this, I feel for you. Really. I do. I apologize in advance for any pontificating, but hey, I gotta do it somewhere. My brother Philip has assailed the terms "musing" and "ranting", so "pontificating" will have to do, as pretentious as it sounds. Well, since I have no idea what this even is, I feel somewhat satisfied that I've put together more than two sentences. As such, I have run out of things to say. More to come???


Philip said...

Welcome. Blogging is not life-changing, but it is fun. Just don't be pressured to make it a chore. I look forward to more of your musings/pontifications/bullshit.

Philip said...

Another day passes, and still no post.

Philip said...

This is quite disappointing. The black page grows ever blacker. How much more black can it get? The answer is none. None...more black. Have no interesting thoughts penetrated your feeble mind?

Philip said...

Well, a weekend come and gone, and this page boasts the same meaningless tripe as last week. I'm beginning to think this "deeptones" fellow is not so deep after all.

Philip said...

What a ridiculous joke this "blog" is. I hesitate to use that word, because the term indicates the presence of content, which this website obviously lacks. I wonder if the owner of the site thinks that the word "author" is simply a noun, and not a verb, as in "to author"?

Deeptones said...

note the question marks after the word "blog???" I'm not sure at all that's what this is. I told noone of its existence. Is the blogging universe comprised solely of folks who search out blogs univited and then make disparaging comments about the soul-searching therein? :)

Philip said...

This is unbelievable. A full 10 days after launching this site, and the only new content is your weak defense of the lack of new content. And of course, the blogging universe is not "comprised of people who search out blogs uninvited and then make disparaging comments about the soul-searching therein." Would that there were any soul-searching on this bland, vacant site! If the extent of your searching consists of wondering if you'll blog any more in the future, I fear for your vapid soul.

Deeptones said...

i totally knew you would go there. but again, alas, you found the site uninvited by various means of subversive deceit. You then began making comments, again uninvited, before i had any intention of anyone seeing what was posted. If I had said "Hey philip, what do you think of my blog?" then you'd have cause and, I might add, an invitation to Muse, or otherwise wax eloquent. The fact is no such invitation was made, expressed, or implied. At some point, when my life isn't comprised of dawn to dusk meetings, i'll again make a post. Only in the case of the new post, I hope that one would take it for what it is, and not for "what would philip do"? Alas, I am not as eloquent as thee, and certainly not as prolific. Right now the only thing I can think or even dream of is alarm company procedures and policies. Who want's to read blogs on that? besides criminals, anyway.....

Philip said...

Subversive deceit? Were you not aware that when you pressed the "publish" button that your handiwork would be available on the internet? Are you aware that "www" stands for "WORLD WIDE web"? I hardly see what's subversive about discovering and commenting on a publicly available site. There was no password cracking, no code hacking, just plain, old-fashioned web surfing.

As for not being invited to make comments, I must again take issue. You chose to make comments available. Had you not desired them, you could have checked the box that said, "do not make available for comments". I took the availability of comments on a public site to be an invitation to offer them.

What would Philip do? I agree it does not matter. My criticisms of this page have nothing to do with the fact that you haven't done things MY way. They are based on the fact that you haven't done things ANY way at all.

Timothy Putnam said...


I'm with Philip, you need to update, man! You expressed that you were going to pontificate here! Merriam Webster states that pontificate means "2: to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic way." Now we all know that you are completely capable of doing this, and doing it well! So now it begs the question, "When?"

And just in case you get any inclination to say that my comment was uninvited, I feel compelled to remind you that when you post a comment on someone else's blog, you thereby make indirect invitation for that blogger to reciprocate.

Luke said...

Well my comment was totally unsolicited.

I just dropped in to say that I've known all three of you for a very long time, and the above dialogue is very amusing to me. It's just the usual sibling back and forth, only it's public.

By the way, James - you can find me at audiblemind.blogspot.com.
I Hope you're doing well.

Philip said...

Wow, three whole "readers" of this blog. Don't bother coming back any time soon, Luke. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, of finding anything at all.

Luke said...

I came back.
I found nothing.

Philip said...

Wow. A new template and new links. A whole new world of insight has opened for me.

Philip said...

Luke, the disappointment in your post is palpable. But it appears the host of this site is unmoved.