Friday, May 02, 2008

The Power of Your Words - Originally Posted March 17, 2007

Current mood: contemplative
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Happy St. Patrick's day everyone!~~~~

I have a friend who has developed nodes on his vocal cords, and who cannot speak for the next 6 weeks. He has taken to communicating on his blackberry or other means of non-verbal communication. His wit is as sharp as ever, but he cannot sing, talk, laugh, etc...

I cannot imagine being unable to speak! Being allowed to communicate what is inside of me is something that I would be devastated to lose. Sharing whats inside is what drives every creative part of me. This friend is the same - an amazingly creative and talented person.

I haven't written much lately, largely because I have been recently married, and, um, occupied ;). But I wanted to take a moment to share a little of what this experience has been teaching him, and what he has shared with all of us in the Gateway worship community.

Your voice is an amazing, powerful instrument! If you use it well, it can create some of the most beautiful sounds ever heard. If you misuse it, it causes damage. Thus, the nodes.... This is also true of your spirit! Your words can create incalculable damage, both to yourself and to others. It can leave spiritual "nodes" on your ability to speak good things into the lives of those around you.

I have been guilty of callous and shallow talk both around my home and at work. God had already begun to convict me that my "being one of the guys" was causing my spirit to become numb when my friend began to share this with us - so it really hit home.

Take a moment to reflect on the words you say in your daily life. Are they constructive? Do the edify? Or do they tear down? Do they wound? Even slightly?

My children were afraid of my words for a long time - I gave myself good reasons for my discipline, but the fact is that I was far too harsh with kids I rarely played with... Now I am very intentional to be uplifting and encouraging in everything I say, even when I am training or disciplining them. That doesn't mean that they don't know when I am dissapointed in their behavior, but they never doubt my love.

In my life outside the home, I still need to be more intentional to always let my words have value. I don't want to abuse the great priviledge I have been given to speak!

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I've missed writing here, and so I will be back with more. I've also missed hearing from you all... Drop me a line and let me know how you are!


You see the hands that build can also pull down, even the hands of love. -Bono

Currently listening :
The Crane Wife
By The Decemberists
Release date: 03 October, 2006

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