Monday, November 27, 2006


Okay folks, Thanksgiving is behind us and now we are to my favorite (by far) time of year! Its Christmas! I LOVE Christmas - as you could tell from my previous blog - and this year in particular, I'm going to celebrate the birth of my Savior as though He were standing right in front of me (He is)! I have always loved Christmas. My earliest memory was on my third birthday - Dec.1 1975. I was leaning over our genuine vinyl ottoman in our shack in Jonesville, KY. The Christmas tree was there. I remember that Christmas and just about every one since with crystal clear, detailed memory. I love everything about Christmas. The lights, snow (*cough* Texas), festivity, carols, happiness, the ever-earlier commercial exploitation, the television specials, movies, etc.... I love the traditions of my family, the tree, ornament decoration, FOOD, etc.... I love the religious significance and the secular adaptations. There is just NOTHING about this holiday I don't like....

....Except perhaps the annual hand-wringing by well-meaning religious folks over how the popular culture is trying to take Christ out of the holiday, and the back-breaking overreaching effort that the major media and retailers seem to make to avoid offending anyone! Both sides just frustrate the living daylights out of me! STOP IT NOW! Christians - celebrate the birth of Christ without being so upset that athiests and agnostics prefer not to! The rest of you, don't look like you are passing a golf-ball sized kidney stone when someone wishes you a Merry Christmas! I am NEVER going to say "Happy Holidays". Its just that simple. This is Christmas time. If I KNOW that you are Jewish - I will wish you a happy Hannakah, but I'm not going to go through the rest of the holidays that people in various forms celebrate, nor am I going to offer up a generic happy holiday season to those of you who have nothing to celebrate other than a day off work and a chance to either cash in on or pay out to the god of crass commercialism.

I personally do not care if city hall has Jesus or Santa up. I do not care if NBC doesn't say Merry Christmas...But conversely, I don't want you to get all worked up when I do. Cuz I'm gonna.

Ok, off the soapbox now... I am particularly excited this year because last year I was in the middle of watching my life and family implode. Last Christmas Eve was perhaps the darkest day of my life. I didn't do the usual decorations and over-the-top light show that I am known for. It just didn't feel like Christmas and I didn't feel like celebrating. This year, I'm gonna make sure my kids know that Christmas is ON. Their lives have been hard enough this year, and I want to provide for them a sense of normalcy in the midst of the mess. This, folks, is gonna be a great Christmas.

Besides all of that - remember why we do this. Jesus Christ - the Son of the Most High God - made Himself man to live among us, and to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins on the cross. God with us...Emmanuel.... He was born in a trough for livestock! The King of Kings! How amazing. I will not forget this year. In the midst of the busyness and the tradition that we have created, don't forget what ultimately this is all about. This little baby, born in a barn, is the one who came to save us. Give Him your praise and your life this year. As you enjoy the things that make Christmas, well, Christmas to you and your family - take a moment to worship Him!

Thank you, Jesus! Happy Birthday.

Currently listening :
Christmas Album
By Nat King Cole
Release date: By 23 October, 1997

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