Monday, November 06, 2006

Less than perfect credit? No Problem!!! Originally posted October 5, 2006

Ok, so my friend Brian Hobson has taken me to the woodshed regarding my lack of new blog material. Now I feel compelled to write, but as I begin this sentence, there is absolutely nothing in my mind that I am compelled to write about. The good thing is that most of my blogs start this way. I have discovered writing as a hobby recently. It has become my method of dealing with all of the thoughts that otherwise run rampant in my head. It has also become the way that God speaks to me. Most of what I have posted in the way of insight has just come to me as I write it down. So, with props to my friend Bryan, and also to my friend Jess who sparked the desire to write in the first place, I begin a new blog with no subject in mind.

One of the really cool parts of a divorce with four kids is that you become financially destitute overnight! I get anywhere from 30-50 calls a day from bill collectors, and I ignore them all. What can I say to them? "Uh, ya - I know I said I'd pay you, but I lied." Or...."Well, I have two choices: Pay you, or pay her. The court says pay her, and if I don't, I go to jail! - If I don't pay you, you get really ugly and call me over and over. So ya, I'll just send YOU the money and go to JAIL! Just PLEASE don't call and talk ugly to me - - PLEASE!!!???" So, instead, I just ignore the calls! Here is another fine example of letting go of the things the world says we should strive for. I have tried for so long to keep a perfect credit rating. Why do I need it? For more credit, of course!

There is something liberating in having no control over how things turn out. I don't get stressed about the bill collectors. Why? I can't do anything about it! What would be the point? I can't pay them, and I can't keep them from calling! The only frustrating thing is that my DSL line keeps resetting every time the phone rings! I suppose I could fix that with a call to AT&T, but I've had other things on my plate.

The fact is, I'm going to be forced to live as I should live anyway. On Cash. I've always struggled with buying on impulse, and I've had that golden perfect credit rating that makes it oh so easy to buy things I don't need, or really want. What is really important? Now I'll find out! I get to learn now to really budget what I have, what I need, and what's left over. If I have the money, I can buy it. If I don't......well I can't! Simple! Liberating!

Or do I just need to find some rich friends.......

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